Sandbox Cohort 3

Sandbox is startup incubator program that students will spend two semesters working in a small team to build and launch a software tech business from scratch.

Sandbox (

Twilight (current)
Mailato (past product)


January- April 2022

Tools Used

Figma, Canvas, Microsoft Office


Haile Terry
(Co-founder of Twilight)
Bruce Cui (Designer)


Twilight is a pioneering marketplace revolutionizing in-home care by connecting caregiving-experienced college students with seniors in need. Born from a personal encounter with the challenges of family caregiving, we saw an opportunity to enrich lives on both sides. Students gain practical experience and rent-free housing, while seniors receive the supportive care they need, right at home.


We meticulously match students with seniors based on detailed applications, partnering with educational institutions and government bodies to ensure a seamless, trustworthy process. To date, we’ve facilitated 12 successful matches, tapping into the vast $8.39 million in-home care market with a model that outpaces traditional care solutions.


Twilight isn’t just a service—it’s a community, transforming the approach to senior care by building meaningful connections that foster independence and enrich lives.


Mailato is a state-of-the-art newsletter marketing tool designed specifically to boost the effectiveness of nonprofit communications. Equipped with advanced AI technology, Mailato analyzes each recipient’s interests to prioritize and present the most relevant topics at the top of every newsletter. This tailored approach ensures maximum engagement by delivering content that resonates deeply with each reader.

Initiated with the goal of increasing awareness for nonprofit programs, Mailato addresses a crucial need for more donors and volunteers by making every message count. Nonprofits can now connect more meaningfully with their audiences, transforming passive readers into active contributors.

Mailato is more than just a tool—it’s a strategic ally for nonprofits aiming to enhance their outreach and impact in a crowded and competitive landscape. With Mailato, your newsletters become powerful catalysts for change, driving awareness and action where it matters most.

Critical Incidence Analysis

  • Reorienting the Target Audience: Initially, the gallery focused on students as its primary viewers. However, recognizing that students might not visit frequently, we recommend targeting parents, children, and other visitors who are more likely to return.

  • Enhancing Viewer Engagement: The original viewing experience at the gallery was limited to videos and images. By integrating AI, we can make the experience more engaging. Additionally, the introduction of ‘Spiritual Geospacing,’ which incorporates interactive games, further enriches audience engagement.

  • Improving Repeat Visits through Personalization: Interviews with visitors revealed a common barrier to repeat visits: a lack of new information. Our solution involves an app that collects personal data from visitors to keep them informed about upcoming events and gallery updates, encouraging return visits.


  • Visitor Feedback and Analysis: We conducted interviews with gallery visitors to gather feedback on their experiences. The results were analyzed to identify key areas for improvement, ensuring that the enhancements are user-focused and address actual needs.

  • Prototyping and Testing: We developed a mockup of the proposed enhancements and conducted tests to assess usability and engagement. This iterative process allows for refining the concept based on real user interactions and feedback.

  • Gallery Manager Approval: The final step involved presenting the enhanced gallery experience to the gallery manager for approval. This ensured that all changes align with the gallery’s mission and aesthetic, and are suitable for the museum’s environment.



Using the ADDIE model as our guide, we embarked on a meticulous process to create our product. We started by choosing a focus, seeking to deeply understand our target audience and empathize with their experiences. Through this exploration, we identified common themes among all personas, such as the quest for identity, clarity, and balance amidst multiple responsibilities. Our critical incident analyses revealed that integrating the spiritual with the secular is a challenge for college students, with scripture study serving as a valuable tool. We developed learning objectives to help students recognize their spiritual opportunities, identify existing practices aligning with integration, and evaluate new ideas based on their personal circumstances.

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